Did you know that families are exposed to potential health and safety risks inside their own homes? Let’s take a look at some ways you can make your home healthy and safe.

Protect Against Scalding Water

Scalding water causes serious burns on the skin. Adjust your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Water heated to 140 degrees can scald sensitive skin in five seconds or less. Always test the water yourself before bathing infants and children. 

Inspect Your Windows

Over 4,000 children go to the emergency room every year after falling out of windows. Install window guards to keep this from happening. Window guards are rows of bars that screw into the window frame. They keep kids from falling out of the window but also are easily removed in case of a fire.

Check for low-hanging window shade or blind cords. Toddlers and babies can become easily entangled in cords and injure themselves in the process. Cordless window coverings are better choices for homes with children.

Protect Against Dangerous Falls

Falling off furniture or down the stairs is one of the leading causes of accidents for children under 14. Toddlers are especially at risk. Use wall-mounted baby gates on your stairs. Tape down or cover electrical cords that could cause people to trip and fall. 

Keep Your Home Healthy and Safe During Renovations

Homes built before 1978 may have lead paint on the walls, window frames, and flooring. This can all get stirred up in the form of lead dust when you do any renovation work or if the paint is chipped.

Those toxic particles cause serious health issues in people, especially children. Hire a contractor who specializes in testing for and removing lead paint. 

Keep Your Home Safe With Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are an important part of keeping your home healthy and safe. It’s twice as likely that children under the age of five will die in a fire as opposed to adults or older kids because young children can’t escape as well on their own.

Install smoke alarms on all floors and even in the basement. They should be positioned inside and outside of every bedroom. Test the alarms every month. Keep fire extinguishers in the house and make sure your family members know how to use one:

  • Pull the pin
  • Aim at the bottom of a fire
  • Squeeze or press the handle
  • Sweep the extinguisher side to side until the fire is out

 Use the above tips to keep your home healthy and safe.

Morgan & Associates Inspection Services provides home inspections to homebuyers, home sellers, and homeowners. Contact us to schedule an appointment.